Chess Giants is a chess software for Windows that enables you to play chess either against a friend, or alone against the computer, or else against real opponents on the Internet in a virtual chess club.
Contrarily to the other chess softwares which are generally targeted for the experienced chess fans, Chess Giants tries to be the most intuitive, the most aesthetic, and the most pleasant to use of the chess softwares, whatever the skills at chess of the user are.
Some may notice that Chess Giants to large extents look like Windows® Vista's Chess Titans software, at least for the aesthetics part (actually, it's a rewrite from scratch). This software does provide the exact same look and feel. But in addition to the standard features, it has many other flavors:
It runs on any version of Windows published after 2000.
It doesn't need a fast machine.
It plays at the International Great Master level (2700 ELO).
It reads and saves games in the PGN and FEN formats.
It has additional options, such as displaying the game history or a game clock.
It can change its appearance thanks to user-creatable visual themes.
It can be interfaced with other chess engines that comply to the Chess Engine Communication Protocol.
It enables you to play online in the FICS virtual chess club (http://www.freechess.org).
It comes in two languages, French and English, and is very easily translatable into another one.
It is an open specifications project, meaning you can still contact the author to request to add such or such feature.
New in version:
- PGN and FEN files are now associated with Chess Giants in Windows Explorer.
- Added a checkbox in the message of the day display window.
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